Ihr Traumurlaub im Schwarzwald
Bereitgestellt von www.schwarzwald.de

castle Hohengeroldseck

The castle ruin Hohengeroldseck is the landmark of the region and is enthroned on the Seelbach Schönberg between the Schutter and Kinzig valleys in the Ortenau, not far from Offenburg and Lahr.
The association for the preservation of the castle ruin Hohengeroldseck e.V. has not only made the preservation of the castle ruin its task, but also the provision of funds for new exposures and repair work.

Likewise, the castle has been brought into a condition that should ensure the safety of visitors. Unfortunately, more and more damage by visitors has been observed. It is requested to refrain from climbing or loosening stones from the masonry. The domiciliary rights are exercised by the board of directors and the bailiffs. Their instructions are to be obeyed.

The motivation lies in the interest of the more than 800-year history of the Geroldsecker lords and the great attachment to the homeland of the members.

Here it goes to the website (source): www.burgruine-hohengeroldseck.de