Ihr Traumurlaub im Schwarzwald
Bereitgestellt von www.schwarzwald.de




Haus Gerda

Haus Gerda



Ferienwohnung Schuhhof, Franz & Elisabeth Helmle

Ferienwohnung Schuhhof, Franz & Elisabeth Helmle

Farms in the Black Forest

51 Farms found

General Request »
hinterhauensteinhof.jpg Hinterhauensteinhof
DBL BB: p.P. from € 10.50
HH (2-4 persons): from € 27.00
ferienhof-gerda.jpg Haus Gerda
St. Georgen - Oberkirnach
HH (2-6 persons): from € 25.00
schuhhof-breitnau.jpg Ferienwohnung Schuhhof, Franz & Elisabeth Helmle
DBL BB: p.P. from € 28.00
HH (2-6 persons): from € 35.00
hof_2.jpg Hinterbauer Hof
Oberharmersbach - Farm Holidays / Black Forest
HH (2-5 persons): from € 28.00
Hofansicht4_320.jpg Waldbauernhof Obergießhof
DBL AC: p.P. from € 28.00
hofansicht.JPG Oberhöfenhof
SGL BB: p.P. from € 30.00
DBL BB: p.P. from € 35.00
HH (2-4 persons): from € 64.00
hausansicht.jpg Faklerhof
HH (2-5 persons): from € 30.00
IMG_0325.JPG Oberer Strickerhof
Steinach - Holiday in the Kinzigtal
HH (2-20 persons): from € 32.00
Blick-von-unten-auf-Hof-1.jpg Pfisterhof
St. Märgen
HH (2-6 persons): from € 32.00
schwarzwald-bauernhof-1.jpg Bauernhof Rützler
Belchendorf Neuenweg - Farm
HH (2-4 persons): from € 32.00
1startbild.jpg Jäckleshof
St. Georgen OT Brigach
HH (2-5 persons): from € 33.00
hofansicht.jpg Ferienwohnungen Klausseppenhof
Oberwolfach - 2 vacation rentals
HH (2-4 persons): from € 38.00
hofansicht.jpg Prinzbachhof
HH (2-6 persons): from € 38.00
bauernhof-vorderer-klausmannshof-2.jpg Ferien auf dem Vorderer Klausmannshof
Zell am Harmersbach
HH (2-6 persons): from € 40.00
Sommer.JPG Ramselehof
HH (2-4 persons): from € 40.00
Springhansenhof-Stall.jpg Springhansenhof
Oppenau-Ibach - Holiday, recreation, nature...
HH: from € 40.00
vogtsjockelshof-1.jpg Vogtsjockelshof
HH (2-6 persons): from € 40.00
hoferpeterhof_garten.jpg Hoferpeterhof
Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
HH (2-6 persons): from € 41.00
ansicht_haus-1.jpg Ferienhof Bühler
HH (2-5 persons): from € 42.00
schillingerhof1.jpg Schillingerhof
Wolfach - Holidays in the Schillingerhof
HH (2-5 persons): from € 42.00
Balkonpanorama.jpg Christianshof
HH (2-5 persons): from € 42.00
IMG_5044_(1).JPG Bauernhof Hansenhof
Schapbach - Holiday at Hansenhof
HH (2-5 persons): from € 43.00
biohof-herrenweg-sommer.jpg Biohof Herrenweg S
Schiltach - Enjoy from the begining...
HH (2-6 persons): from € 43.00
DJI_0719_small.jpg Ignazhof, Ferienwohnungen Himmelsbach
HH (2-5 persons): from € 45.00
01b.jpg Polihof
HH (2-6 persons): from € 45.00
haus.jpg Vogtshof im Elztal
Winden im Elztal
HH (2-8 persons): from € 45.00
haupthaus.jpg Hanselehof
Bad Rippoldsau-Schapbach - Black Forest Farm Experience
DBL AC: p.P. from € 47.00
HH (2-6 persons): from € 58.00
schlafzimmer-2.jpg Bio - Fleigenhof
HH (1-15 persons): from € 47.00
ferienhaus.jpg Geigerseppleshof
HH (2-4 persons): from € 55.00
meierhof-1.jpg Meierhof
St. Märgen
HH (1-4 persons): from € 55.00

Farms in the Black Forest

Holidays on a Black Forest farm are the right thing if you seek nature experiences and want to become part of the life with animals and plants.
Black Forest take care of the nature and grow life stock and produce healthy organic groceries. And they know about the plants and animals around them and can tell stories of traditional farm life.
Your children will find a special experience and will spend a lot of time watching the animals and the farm work from morning to dawn. Away from the traffic, from the crowd and the sound of the city.
Never boring but if you want also full of silence and lonely places where you can be on your own.